Report from January 12th 2020, on board of the FRACTALMA vessel.

Through an immense cosmic mist we embarked a few light minutes ago. Our melodious, eternal and diffuse waves have begun to transmit love into the galactic infinity, an ode to the Milky Way that makes our stars dance and flow back in motion.

“Mon coeur sans cesse sur la route , flotte et vole dans le ciel étoilé
Ton chemin singulier m'ensorcelle
défiant ;combattant je ne chercherai plus à te changer je continue d'avancer avec cette force qui t'a attiré …”


At 4 degrees east, VenuSnake Planeta is swirling as beautiful as the solstices. These internal energies, blue and green, merge as on the first day, intermingling, nhaling and exhaling together,uniformly. Warming up the planet in an orgasm that resonates throughout the cosmos, expelling the serpentine shape that has been grasping onto it in a perfect circle until now, sometimes suffocating it and preventing it's light rays from docking the earth. These two inhabitants aboard our vessel, Kosmo and Suna, witness everything that's happening nostalgically and say:

“We left some pieces of our souls on earth”


At 12 degrees North, the beauty of Chry-sa-lis Planeta is compelling, dazzling in it's rare nature. It's centre is warm,it blushes and undulates in space time. Laerke Lyhne, aboard FRACTALMA understood, she dreamt it yesterday, like a prophecy told: “Tomorrow the planet will start dancing through our waves, that's what we will see, but there is much more to see in depth, the infinite number of aphrodisiac plants that abound my planet will touch the air to transcend within it, it's in that moment and from their hearts that sensual energies will be released to reach planet earth“.

F___lux Solus

At 33 degrees North, F___lux Solus Planeta awakens and lights up. The waters of it's concrete subtance in motion give birth to the true glow. Typically feminine energy is unveiled, it offers itself to earth in a subtle gas that materializes into flowers. Her inhabitant F____ux Solus is on board our vessel. She immortalizes her images by painting them on canvases made of luminous filaments, themselves in perpetual motion.


At 56 degrees North West, AquaMorphème Planeta, bordered by countless algae, breathes in, breathes out, and gives life to its own nature. Her stellar breath that we feel, absorbing us and repelling us in perpetuity,unites us to her at last. Core and extremity of this universe, she invites us to become one, she shows us that we are already one.


At 70 degrees West, Ripple Planeta, indescribable. It's shapes and colours vary according to who it is looking at it, they hold many secrets that do not concern it and contain what each individual wants to know. Eqko, a Ripple resident aboard our beloved FRACTALMA is also constantly metamorphosing, constantly regenerating substance.This star,indescribable although visible, shines in the sky and from this moment brings to the earthling who is ready, to the earthling who pays attention to him, fragments of pure truth.

Report from January 13th 2020, on board of the FRACTALMA

Here, the representatives of the stars mentioned yesterday have reconstituted the ecosystem that is specific to them in this vessel. Our mission has not changed, it continues to spread the Love of this journey throughout Earth, and we continue to make the stars dance. If you are receiving this recording, it contains extracts of videos captured on each planet and aboard FRACTALMA. Watch and sing, sing with us these words and dance. Join us on this journey no matter what the cost.It will teach you what you can't learn anywhere else. It's worth it, it is l'Amour de Voyage.